The ScaleAble Programme is designed by and for successful female entrepreneurs

A unique programme that encourages and advances ambitious, high-growth women-led businesses to scale 


Building on a 10-year track record with its BoardAble programme for NEDs, in 2023 Savvitas ran a ScaleAble pilot, designed by female entrepreneurs to support high-growth women-led businesses to scale. Outcomes were incredibly positive, and the programme was judged to be timely and effective.

ScaleAble provides bespoke professional work shops plus individual access to inspirational business role models 

Expert tutors & mentors

The programme is led by Savvitas Leadership Director Vanda Green FRSA, with a flexible team of entrepreneurs, HR, management, marketing, technology, and finance experts who provide expert tuition and  act as ScaleAble Business Catalysts. Our thanks to these business owners and leaders for their valuable time and expertise.


Comprising distinct and intense half-day seminars, held online, with groups limited to 10 delegates to ensure one-to-one attention and interactive opportunity for everyone. Although the programme is designed and delivered in a carefully constructed and logical sequence, each seminar stands alone.


Places on the bespoke programme are selective, with applications assessed and places allocated by a panel of female entrepreneurs. Pre-programme tasks ensure commitment, and there is post-programme support plus ongoing access to Savvitas events and activities.

All workshops and events are interactive sessions at which you have the opportunity to meet other women business owners

To find out more about  the ScaleAble programme, email Programme Director Vanda Green: